That’s an interesting question isn’t it ? With the bonkers world we live in life is rather complicated. Let’s explore the importance of communicating and planning – before you die, and it’s not just about making a will!
With families being spread across the globe this can present an issue for your loved ones when you have gone. Even if they live with you or near by, how on earth are they going to work through the minefield of your life. It’s actually quite a worry. How will my family know what to do when I die ?
How will your family know where to access all your information, passwords and even your will? Have you told them everything ? Did you forget to give them important information ? What if you get dementia and can’t tell them because you’ve forgotten everything ?
I am a funeral, wedding and family celebrant and because of this I am possibly aware of situations that most people don’t come across until it actually involves them.
I came across an idea some weeks ago that has prompted me to write this post. It made me laugh because I, like most people have not written my information down and told someone I trust where to find everything they will need when I die. So I am on a mission now to get all my affairs in order and list everything. I am considering a death book.
A death book – End of life journal

A death book or end of life journal, is one place where I can list all the important stuff like my social security number, bank accounts, passwords and PIN numbers. It is an extensive list of where things are that would be needed to settle my estate and pay taxes. It is the place I can write down my wishes for after I have left this planet. Apart from a Will where else should I leave my innermost thoughts and wishes for when I am no longer here ?
Once I start thinking about all this important information it is a bottomless pit. I’m loathed to put all my information into my computer so that some hacker can gain access to everything. Could a death book or end of life journal be the answer ? My biggest concern is where shall I keep it ? Should I stash it in the safe and trust someone with the combination ? Maybe I should leave it out for a burgler to find. I’m still un decided but I’m working my way through that one. What do you think ?
I have put some links to end of life journals available on Amazon at the end of this post, but I am sure you can find many options on line.
Passwords and PIN numbers
But what about passwords I hear you ask ? I am constantly changing passcodes and PIN numbers because I keep forgetting them ! Would anyone else know the name of my first pet or make and model of my first car ? My Godaughter messaged me a few weeks ago wanting to know what her mother’s favourite film was. Her mother passed away 4 years ago. The poor girl is still trying to access information that could be lost forever. Apparently the answer, which we still don’t know, will magically open an account she needs access to. As you can imagine she is working her way through every film we can think of. I wonder if there is a way we can make life easier for those we leave behind? I would welcome your suggestions.
What about people who have Bitcoin accounts ? Where are they safely going to leave their codes to their billions $$$$$$$ ? It just doesn’t bear thinking about. Who would you trust with your codes to unlock your bitcoin? Thankfully I don’t have any Bitcoin accounts so that’s one thing I don’t need to worry about.
Facebook & Social media
How is anyone going to be able to get into my Facebook account let alone my Bitcoin or bank account? Well, funnily enough the one thing I did do some time ago was set up a legacy person on Facebook. The chosen trusted person can administer my Facebook account and even close it down when I am gone. So that’s one thing crossed off my ever growing list. Now I just have to remember which other social media accounts I have that would need closing down.
Take Action now and save your family some stress when you go.
Now I have got you thinking about how complicated our lives are these days, maybe you will start to think about the potential mess you might leave behind when you die. Think about how your family will know what to do when you die. Have you told them how you would like things done?
Let’s face it, life is a lottery and it could be any of us any day.
Here are some links to end of life planners for those of you who plan to take action.
Pre plan your funeral ceremony.

As a funeral celebrant I am regularly asked to write funeral ceremonies for people who are terminally ill. It is an honour to actually meet people before they pass away. I get to know them and I help them to plan their funeral ceremonies.I respect their wishes, beliefs and make sure the ceremony reflects their unique personality. I write their funeral ceremony for them, about them and they choose the readings, poems and music and I write their eulogy and they get to approve everything. Many people feel comforted that they will have their funeral just the way they want it. If you are interested, check out my blog about pre planning your funeral ceremony.